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Plan. Collaborate. Work Hard. Deliver.

Join the forces of software vendors and end-users with Pro Partner to achieve your organisation’s objectives.


Our team brings Project Management, Business Analysis and Development expertise to every project to ensure that your business is enabled and empowered by technology.

With The Right Partnership,
Great Implementations Happen!

System upgrades and new implementations are hard work. As your business strives to improve its business process, making the transition to new technology platforms amongst all your other systems and keeping the lights on is a common challenge.


Pro Partner's Purpose is to integrate with your team, plan and lead you through the transition, leaving your business better than when we started.

What We Do Best

We specialise delivering complex Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, start to finish.

Our demonstratable experience cover's the full spectrum of expertise that is required.

From capturing business requirements, writing and evaluating Request for Proposals (RFP), initiating and manging the project through to delivery, then transitioning to Business as Usual (BAU).

Project Strategy & Project Management

An organisation's IT systems are critical to delivering successful business outcomes. Our start-to-finish project management services cover everything from defining requirements, crafting an RFP, vendor management, contract negotiation, all the way through delivery and a confident business handover.


Our collaborative and hands-on approach allows us to understand the technical details of what is being delivered and demonstrate how project outcomes deliver real business benefits.

Business Analysis

New implementations often spawn new ways of working; business process is either dictated by the software system, or it's a good opportunity to improve the way things are done.


With fresh eyes, we're able to take a step back and evaluate how your business processes work across systems and deliver value. Process can then be optimised to work more effectively.

Data Migration &
Reporting Solutions

It makes sense to utilise 'out the box' system reports wherever possible. But more often than not, these reports are too generic and do not include the information your stakeholders expect.


We have experience customising reports to show custom KPI's and in specialist cases, build custom Data warehouse solutions for truly independent and integrated reporting capability.

System Integrations

No single application fits all arms of your business and system integrations are often a vital part of new implementation projects.


Our expertise can design, develop and deploy integrations between systems to unlock best of breed features in other applications.

Trusted to manage critical infrastructure
and essential services

Pro Partner experts have worked with...

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Rotorua Lakes Council Logo.png

How would you describe our leadership?

"On a time sensitive project you collaborated with developer & SME to prioritise key functionality and corrective action to ensure a successful outcome"

William van't Sant, Head of Finance

Starting a new project?
Need help with a project already in flight?

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